On the Boards
MMA was commissioned to design a relaxed yet classic retake of the Cape Cod home, removing an existing vintage 70’s modern house with dated interiors and poor placement of secondary bedrooms. Within the context of a complete site master plan, by Sudbury Design Group, MMA strategically fit a much larger home onto the crest of the site’s cascading property, thereby continuing to take advantage of the superb views down to the beach and boat dock.
From the entry side, the house acts as a visual mask suspending the visitor’s experience of the ocean, though it is present in the senses of smell and sound. A five-bedroom program with expansive living spaces and nanny quarters is artfully arranged into an ensemble that is at once relaxed yet formal without being pretentious. Qualities of the Shingle Style pervade the entry facade, while surfaces of cedar shingles give way to vast expanses of glass on the rear.
The interior is bathed in tones of off white and neutrals while a library den marks a noted contrast in medium-toned walnut paneling and ceiling treatments. Facing ocean and pool terrace lies a fully appointed pool house with its own small kitchen, bath, and changing room, while the basement program consists of a husband’s retreat (aka: Man Cave) featuring a TV viewing area, bar, and billiard room. A spa, exercise area, and baths round out the program.
Anthony M. Frausto, AIA, LEED AP
James Christopherson
Ally Coulter
Sudbury Design
The Lagasse Group
PRISM Award, Silver, Best New Home (2018)